Proudly building our healthcare future

Our children are counting on us to create a better future for them. The high cost of care in this country has caused wage stagnation and has put the future of our children at risk. Yet, we are optimists and believe that together we can fix the problems that greed has created.


The current healthcare system works exactly how greedy people want it to work. It’s time for a change and we need your help! We call on business and technical experts, clinicians, lawmakers, and everyday citizens to join with us in the movement to fix healthcare!


Rob Archibald

Founder & CEO, My Price Health

Who we are?

My Price Health was formed in 2021 to bring transparency and cooperation to healthcare. Our country wastes trillions of dollars each year to poorly manage health. We need a new system to do it better and cheaper. We’ll get there through cooperation, not competition.

We need to be radically transparent and trim the waste as we progress. That waste can be found in high prices (thank you greedy investors), duplicating work, and massive inefficiency. We build open tools and services and foster community to effect change!

Our mission

We seek to lower the healthcare costs by 50% by reducing administrative costs and making it easier to be healthy. We plan to achieve this by:

  1. Building low-cost healthcare services which make it easy to lower administrative costs
  2. Building and supporting a community focused on finding and fixing healthcare costs
  3. Bootstrapping the company to stay true to our mission

Fun facts about us


Employee Owned and focused on improving healthcare


Executive and employee salary cap to keep costs low


Typical plan savings using our pricing services


99.5% uptime guarantee for our services